COVID 19 – Our commitment to Cleanliness & Continuity

In light of the extraordinary circumstances and continuing impact of the COVID-19 virus, we wanted to update you on the steps we are taking here at Westside Apartments

The wellbeing of our guests and associates is of paramount importance.

Our commitment is: 

  • To ensure the health, wellbeing and safety of our guests and employees
  • To adopt a series of mitigation plans to ensure business continuity, and to continue to operate safely and responsibly in the event of further Government advice and guidelines
  • To provide greater booking flexibility for all of our guests

Continued Commitment to Safety, Health & Wellbeing

We continue to closely monitor advice & guidance from the UK Government, health authorities and the World Health Organisation to ensure we are following and implementing the very latest processes and procedures in relation to the current situation. 

To continue with our commitment to providing clean and safe homes for our guests and owners each and every stay we have adopted several critical new measures in addition to our existing high standards of condition & cleanliness.

We have implemented enhanced cleaning of all our properties to ensure we meet and exceed the highest standards of safety and hygiene. Our housekeeping are following a comprehensive cleaning procedure after every stay, including thoroughly sanitizing and disinfecting for your protection. This also means they are increasing the time they spend caring for each apartment.

Our linen and towels are professionally laundered which means they are disinfected during laundering. At every one of our serviced apartments, we have increased availability of hygiene and cleaning products.

We continue to inform and encourage our employees, guests and partners to follow advice and guidance from the UK Government on hygiene and hand washing.


Protecting Our Staff

Our staff have also been fully briefed on the procedures to follow in the event that they themselves, colleagues or guests show symptoms of COVID-19, and in this situation, we will take immediate steps in accordance with the UK Government and NHS guidelines.

 Our staff are expected to wear, personal protective equipment (gloves and face masks) at all times while visiting homes for maintenance, housekeeping, or any other purpose. Also, only one employee will be present in each home at a time. If more than one employee happens to be in a home, they will maintain 2 meters of distance from each other at all times.

If an employee shows signs of illness, or reports coming into contact with someone who is suspected of having COVID-19, they will not be allowed to work.

Maintenance requests from guests during their stay are being evaluated based on the urgency of the need. Non-emergency maintenance items will be addressed after check-out. For anything that requires immediate attention during a stay, guests will be asked to leave the home or remain in a different room from the employee, and the employee will wear a mask and gloves while in the home.


Business Continuity Planning

Our goal is to ensure that our serviced apartments remain fully operational and open to new and existing customers at this time.
We have put in place a series of measures to ensure we can continue to operate through these exceptional circumstances;

  • Remote working– This has enabled to continue taking bookings as before
  • Workforce planning – we continue to operate with both permanent & out-sourced employees, which will enable us to remain operational in the event of sickness or self-isolation. 
  • Third-party operations– we have developed mitigation plans should any third-party suppliers or operators find they are unduly impacted by the virus outbreak.
  • More Flexible Booking, Rebooking & Cancellation Policies We also realise that your travel plans might have changed. So, for anyone who has booked on a non-refundable rate, we’re offering increased rebooking flexibility

To make a change, amend, extend or cancel bookings at any of our properties, please contact our team here.  We will do all we can to offer you support and flexibility.

These are unprecedented times and we appreciate your partnership and support during this challenging period for everyone. Please be assured of our full commitment to remain operational and to continue to provide the highest level of care to our clients, partners & suppliers at this time.


Westside Apartments Team 

•Please note that all of these procedures are guidelines, meaning the minimum that will be done. We are monitoring and implementing additional procedures as required by local jurisdictions, and our baseline guidelines will continue to evolve as we gain additional knowledge and Government guidance.